Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shake Your Groove Thing....and Get Down to Business

Happy Feet...Incredible Feats!

People often ask me, "where do you come up with the ideas for your columns?" This one is courtesy of our radio media partner, BEN-FM.

So I was driving on the Atlantic City Expressway headed to the first of three meetings I had scheduled for the day when the song "Shake Your Groove Thing" came on the radio. I quickly found myself "getting down" to the music in the car. And I realized that music is my "happy place"--it energizes me, it gives me strength, it centers me and it flat out makes me feel good.

I walked into the first meeting with confidence, a smile a mile wide and the excitement of knowing that I was "in the groove." It was a fabulous meeting with 8 women sharing stories, challenges and resources with each other (we call these Wisdom Circles...ask me how you can be invited to participate in the next on on 2/9/10). The following two meetings were just as positive-- creating plans for future events and marketing opportunities for the chapter. I even reconnected with two friends I hadn't seen in years.

My question to you is, what do you do that takes you to that "happy place"? More important, do you take time to let it take you there? It can be as simple as dancing in your car, or taking a course in ballroom dancing; meditation and yoga or a an hour of cardio at the gym. FYI: Ever heard of Zumba? It combines music with an hour long cardio workout--look for special classes forming soon for eWomenNetwork members at various Island Gyms down the shore.

It is no coincidence that happy, confident, energized people are like magnets. Not only are you drawn to them, but as per the "Law of Attraction" positive opportunities seek them out as does success.

Still, getting your groove on does not guarantee success without getting down to business.

On a conference call this morning with Sandra and Kym Yancey, founders of eWomenNetwork, Inc., Kym reminded us that 3 most important questions I need to ask myself are:
  • What is our objective this year?
  • What is our strategy to achieve those objectives?
  • How will we achieve our goals?

Sandra challenged us to recognize the difference in "business" and "busy-ness." It is too easy for us to stay busy and then wonder why we have not accomplished what is important. Learn to differentiate between the two!
  • Her 3 steps were "Plan - Do - Review".

So I some funky music, get your endorphins motoring and then get down to business so your happy feet can lead you to a path of incredible feats!

Marilyn Kleinberg
Executive Managing Director
609 601-1333

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